Gliding in Osttirol

Perfect conditions the whole year

The airfield in Nikolsdorf is the main meeting point for all gliding enthusiasts and everyone who would like to be one. The gliding airfield in Nikolsdorf near Lienz is one of the best starting points for inspirational circular flights along the main ridge of the Alps (Glockner group & Venediger group) as well as the Lienz and Sexten Dolomites. The unique contrasts in the landscape, as well as the outstanding thermal conditions for most of the year, contingent upon the thermal microclimate in the Drautalbecken, means the Osttirol provides optimum conditions for gliding.


What’s more, the great camaraderie and team spirit in the gliding group in Lienz is one bonus which guests and guest gliders always bring here. Learn to aerotow and operate motor gliders here. Circular flights for visitors are also offered during weekends in the season for visitors. 

Flugsport Segelflieger
Flugsport Segelflieger
Flugsport Segelflieger

Activities are always kept up-to-date on the club homepage. The club has a variety of gliders, such as a DG 100 and 303, Twin Astir, P 96, HB 23 and a DR 400 Moto.


The classic Osttirol circuit flight

After the start you proceed to the Stronachkogel, where, due to the narrowing of the valley, in summer the valley goes up extremely high and pushes your machine further up, experiencing the strong convective cells; an entrance par excellence to the cloud base of the main ridge of the Alps. You are soon at the Großglockner and above Iseltal and Böses Weibele, back to the Lienz Dolomites – a classic Osttirol circuit flight with an unforgettable panorama – a reason to come back again! 

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