Weather in Matrei in Osttirol


The air pressure will continue to rise on the public holiday. Nevertheless, there will still be a few thick spring clouds on the main ridge. However, the tendency towards isolated rain showers will only be slight. Towards the south, it will be mostly sunny during the day and the clouds or spring clouds that do appear will hardly be a nuisance. Temperatures will rise slightly and reach values close to 20 degrees in the lowlands.

forecast for Thursday, 09.05.2024
4°C / 15°C
precipitation: 40 %
Wind: light/moderate breez
12°C / 13°C
precipitation: 40 %
Wind: light/moderate breez
forecast for Friday, 10.05.2024
6°C / 9°C
precipitation: 30 %
forecast for Saturday, 11.05.2024
3°C / 20°C
precipitation: 20 %

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