Weather in Matrei in Osttirol


A weak influence of high pressure largely determines the weather in East Tyrol and therefore the sun often shines during the day. However, a few cloud fields may pass through and a few cumulus clouds will form over the mountains in the afternoon. But these mostly remain harmless. The temperatures rise in the afternoon hours to temperatures of just over 20 degrees.

forecast for Friday, 10.05.2024
4°C / 19°C
precipitation: 30 %
Wind: light/moderate breez
15°C / 18°C
precipitation: 30 %
Wind: light/moderate breez
forecast for Saturday, 11.05.2024
2°C / 21°C
precipitation: 25 %
Wind: calm
forecast for Sunday, 12.05.2024
4°C / 20°C
precipitation: 25 %

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