Experience National Park

The most natural world of experience in the Alps

The mountains need no staging.

As the largest protected natural area in the Alps, the Nationalpark Hohe Hohe Tauern Tirol offers an infinite number of impressive experiences. Observe wild animals together with national park rangers, experience incredibly sensual atmospheres on guided tours or explore the eternal ice of the glacier landscapes.


Austria's first national park. For many people it was a forward-looking and completely new project 35 years ago. In 1981, the National Park Hohe Tauern was established as Austria's first national park. It subsequently developed into the largest protected area in the Alps in terms of surface area. The protected area extends over vast primeval alpine landscapes such as glaciers, rock faces and mountain meadows as well as the alpine pastures which have been carefully and painstakingly tended over the centuries. It offers optimal conditions for around 10,000 animal species and 1,500 plant species. But it is also a unique tourist experience that familiarizes people with the alpine natural landscape in a careful and sustainable way. In the Tyrolean part of the national park, you find 1,200 kilometres of hiking trails with 17 different themed trails.

The National Park Hohe Tauern in Osttirol stands for an intact natural landscape and for authentic customs and grown culture like hardly any other region in Austria. With their special qualities, Osttirol and the National Park Hohe Tauern are kindred spirits and, with their unspoilt character. This is particularly topical in times when people are once again looking for more natural and credible experiences.


As a special treat, our guests receive a voucher for a guided ranger tour as a gift.


Further info

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