Getting here by train

Travelling to Osttirol by train couldn’t be more convenient. And to make things even more relaxed, why not reserve a seat and get your luggage delivered by the train company’s door-to-door luggage service. Don’t worry about having to travel light – Osttirol has plenty of options for renting sports equipment.

Lienz has direct long-distance train connections to Vienna. For other destinations it may be advisable to change at Spittal-Millstättersee, Franzensfeste, Villach, Innsbruck or Wörgl and continue from there by regional train or bus.

If you’re travelling from further afield, we recommend using the Nightjet service. It departs in the evening and you travel overnight in a couchette or sleeper carriage. After a quick breakfast you’re ready to start your holiday.

You disembark either at Innsbruck and then take the bus to Lienz or you disembark in Wörgl and go via Kitzbühel to Lienz. The Nightjet service between Hamburg and Innsbruck also carries cars and motorbikes. The entire journey, including the express bus to Lienz, can only be booked through the ÖBB (Austrian Federal Railways).

Osttirol is also easily accessible by day and overnight train services from Italy. The Trenitalia website shows all available options and connections.

Sparschiene Austria tickets offer cheap travel options from anywhere in Austria, while Deutsche Bahn’s cheap ticket finder helps you locate the best prices for tickets from Germany.

Plan your train journey now
Luggage service for travel by train

If you live in Austria, Germany or South Tyrol, you can have your luggage collected from your home and delivered straight to your accommodation. For more information, see ÖBB door-to-door luggage.

Travel times to Tyrol

Our map shows approximately how long it takes to travel by train to Osttirol from major European rail hubs. It also allows you to enter a timetable query for journeys from your starting point to your destination for a specific period, which will provide you with the available connections and current prices of the Austrian, German and Swiss rail operators.

Seat reservations

Guaranteed seating. A seat reservation makes your journey even more convenient. Why not make your reservation when you book your ticket?

Telephone numbers for train operators

Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) customer service tel: +43 (0)5 1717

Deutsche Bahn (Germany) customer service tel: +49 (0)30 2970

Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) customer service tel: +41 (0)848 44 66 88 (charges apply)

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From the train station to your accommodation

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Carsharing Fahrzeug
Travelling by car

Osttirol is easily accessible by car from all directions.