Vortrag LifeKinetik - Hoangartstube St. Veit

The Hoangartstube cordially invites you to a

information afternoon with Albert Herbst


a unique form of training that combines unusual movement tasks
with perceptions and brain jogging

on Thursday, 16.01.2025
at 14.00
in the Reimmichlsaal St. Veit i. D.

Transport to the lecture: def-eMobil 2.0 T. +43 678 1283042
Further information: Martha Prast T. +43 4879 353

additional event days

Every Thursday at 14:00

event destination


St. Veit i.D.
contact details
Hoangartstube St. Veit i. D.
9962 St. Veit i. D.


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